American College Admissions Consultants is a Holland, Pennsylvania-based college admissions consulting firm. It was founded by Francine E. Block in 1980, who has gained decades of experience in the industry. American College Admissions Consultants provides one-on-one admissions consulting services for students and their families to help select the colleges and universities best suited to their client's unique qualifications, needs, and interests. Francine has worked with college applicants from Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Mexico, as well as those from throughout the United States.
About Company
Francine E. Block’s long experience in the college admissions sector has made her well known nationally. She has published many books and publications, including Getting Your Child into College-What Parents Must Know Personal Financial Planning Portfolio: Selecting a College, The Admissions Game, and Financing College Costs. Block has also given numerous interviews to top mass media outlets on the college admissions process. She claims many of her students have gained acceptance to top national universities. Judging from the website, Francine E. Block is the only employee of her firm. American College Admissions Consultants offers college placement assistance, a personal assessment involving the student and parents, institution selection, college admissions test guidance, college tours, essay assistance, and help navigating regular application deadlines, early action, and early decision. It also offers customized assistance to help clients deal with separation anxiety, counseling on working through the athletic recruitment process, and counseling on music, the arts, and dance.
American College Admissions Consultants Score
American College Admissions Consultants Review
American College Admissions Consultants receives a 1 in reputation, with no known independent third-party reviews. It receives a 2 in results as little data is known in these areas. It receives a 1 in the quality of its
team, since there are no known former admissions officers in its team. It receives a 1 in the size of the team, with one listed college consultant, and a 3 in combined institutional knowledge with six cumulative years of industry experience. It receives a 3 in web presence (Fifth-page Google organic rating) and a 1 as an educational influencer (no known YouTube or Twitter presence). Overall, it receives a 1.71.