BrightStory Admission Consulting was founded in 2009 by Alice Chen, a former Stanford and Northwestern graduate with over two decades of college admissions experience. She claims to have helped students gain admissions to top-tier colleges like Stanford, Harvard, Caltech, MIT, Brown, Cornell, Northwestern, West Point, UC Berkeley and UCLA. Moreover, BrightStory states that two-thirds of its qualified applicants get into Ivy League-level schools or top UCs.
About Company
​This organization is primarily based in the San Francisco Bay Area and works with that wealthy clientele in that area. It offers a personalized and boutique-like experience that fits the needs of that particular area. The website indicates that they have a strong focus in STEM admissions at top-tier colleges. They also work with different clients around the globe. Alice Chen is an award-winning journalist, a Top 1% essay consultant and a coach of admission coaches. She focuses on the strategy of finding the “hook,” to provide a convincing narrative and inspirational story for her clients. She states that the organization primarily works with Whites and Asians, two demographic groups which are overrepresented in college admissions, making admissions increasingly difficult for them. Also, BrightStory indicates that in working with them, you will learn priceless life skills like an entrepreneurial mindset, self-advocacy, leadership, communications and selling yourself, which will help you land jobs, promotions and raises.
BrightStory Admission Consulting Score
BrightStory Admission Consulting Review
​BrightStory receives a 3 in web presence with a fifth-page Google organic search result. It receives a 1 in reputation with only four third-party reviews. It receives a 2 in results with no information on outcomes. It receives a 0 in quality of the team with no former college admissions officers. It receives a 1 in the size of the team with only one current consultant. It receives a 0 in combined institutional knowledge with zero years of total industry experience. It receives a 0 as an educational influencer with no presence on YouTube or Twitter. Overall, it receives a score of 1.14, which is a poor display in the seven areas examined.