Colledge is a South Pasadena-based college admissions consulting company. Jenny Umhofer founded Colledge in 2010 after working as a college admissions professional at UCLA, Caltech, and Scripps College. During her employment, she realized that many students were often denied admission because they failed to show the “whole student” and instead simply listed accomplishments. Hence, she built a purpose-driven community of people with the skills to help students achieve their visions and display their best qualities.
About Company
Colledge offers many of the typical services found in the majority of nationwide college admissions organizations. It works both online and in person, according to the information available. It offers help with major selection, college selection, essay assistance, resume development, college interview preparation, decision support, test prep, and extracurricular activities suggestions. Colledge sponsors the QuestBridge Scholars Program, helping low-income high school seniors gain admission and full four-year scholarships to the nation’s most selective colleges. It organizes events and virtual sessions to bring clarity to the admissions process and attract clients. Lastly, Colledge invests in learning about your child’s strengths, vulnerabilities, areas for improvement, and potential opportunities. Assessing these factors allows Colledge to provide the proper individualized approach to each client and ensure they gain admissions to top-tier colleges.
Colledge Score
Colledge Review
Colledge receives a 2 in web presence with a seventh-page Google organic search result. It receives a 1 in reputation with 3 verified third-party reviews. It receives a 2 in results with no information on outcomes. It receives a 3 in quality of the team with six former admissions officers. It receives a 4 in size of the team with 12 college consultants. It receives a solid score of 5 in combined institutional knowledge with 38 combined years of experience. It receives a 1 score as an educational influencer with no Twitter or YouTube followers that we could find. Colledge total score: 2.57.